Protecting yourself at work from chemical hazards

Going to work each day can be stressful. There’s no reason to add to that stress when chemicals are present in the office or on your worksite. Take as many safety precautions as possible when working with or near chemicals while on the job. The safety precautions put in place by your employer should be … Continue reading Protecting yourself at work from chemical hazards

Weather leads to crash that injures three

Severe weather and flooding led to a crash that injured three people on the morning of July 20 in the Chicago area. Heavy downpours, severe thunderstorms, and wet roads led to multiple accidents. The severe weather made it difficult for drivers to see and for them to stop. The three people injured in a crash … Continue reading Weather leads to crash that injures three

How does premises liability work in regards to children?

Premises liability is an important subject that all property owners should brush up on every now and then. The laws differ from state to state, but tend to be the same when dealing with children and premises liability. For the most part, property owners have a special responsibility placed on them by the law because … Continue reading How does premises liability work in regards to children?

6 types of workplace hazards to look for in Chicago

Going off to work in the morning should not be risky for those who are not first responders, military personnel or those who don’t work in inherently dangerous positions. But, some workers can suffer injuries and illnesses at work due to the carelessness of their employer. There are six types of workplace hazards everyone should … Continue reading 6 types of workplace hazards to look for in Chicago